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Welcome to ICOM’s International Committee for the Training of Personnel (ICTOP) web platform.

Formed in 1968, ICTOP was among the first of ICOM’s international committees, with decades of contributions to the professional development of museums and heritage management and the educational preparation of professionals working around the world. We invite you to partake in our activities and explore some helpful tools and resources.

What We Do:

An annual meeting is held in various locations in the world in an attempt to represent the diversity of international communities. Special workshops are organized through collaboration with other international and local professional bodies. The committee also advises on matters related to professional development, such as guidance on jobs, curricula, salaries, and human resources, and it shares case studies of personnel training. We have worked closely with other ICOM committees on these goals. The website offers information about past events, conferences, contemporary issues, and news.

To Join ICOM and ICTOP

You must join ICOM to be on any special committee, such as ICTOP. By becoming a part of ICOM, you will be integrated into the worldwide museum community and participate in the discourses, scholarly exchanges, and reflections about museums’ future. Follow these 4 steps to become a member:

  1. Make sure there is an ICOM National Committee in your country by clicking here: http://icom.museum/the-committees/national-committees/.
  2. Go to your country’s website and check to see if there is a national membership form. Fill in the form and send it to your country’s membership contact.
  3. If there is not a national form, complete the international form and send it to membership[at]icom.museum.
  4. When filling out the form, name ICTOP as your first-choice committee with full voting rights.